Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Atheism A-Threat

TXatheist says "we" live in TX and wanted the 10 Commandments taken down. Well, I lived in Texas about all my life and I don't want it taken down. So TXatheist doesn't speak for me.

TXatheist thinks you can't put the 10 commandments in a public place for a secular reason. Actually, you can. For instance, if historically a place had its roots in Christianity you can put up an icon for that secular reason. Many public and government owned hospitals have Christian names (usually named after Saints) yet they don't force the 10 Commandments down people's throats.

TXatheist says the Treaty of Tripoli says American was not founded as a Christian nation without mentioning the controversy of Article 11.

TXatheist doesn't want coercive prayer in school. Neither do I. But TXatheist does want the coercive teaching of evolution in our schools. Typical.

TXatheist says Firefly should keep an open mind. We hope TXatheist will, too.


TXatheist will not be honest about America's founding on Christianity. If he was honest he'd address the controversy over the Treaty of Tripoli. But as always he just assumes that America was always secular in its history.